Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A book, baby!

Hey ho!
The good people at Scholastic Publishing have employed me to illustrate a children's book, 'bless 'em. The lesson here is of the 'Feel the fear but do it anyway" variety as it was the brief terror of showing my folio at the "Meet the Publishers" conference that led to me getting the gig. Seems you do have to "Risk it for the biscuit". (That's a movie reference from Oddball which was, incidentally, filmed just down the road.)

So I've been busy scribbling away in the studio, buying fancy illustrators supplies online and eating large amounts of yoghurt. The sudden uptake in yoghurt consumption is due to my other project, which is due around the same time as final art for the book. I give you, dear bloggee, The book and The baby. Both currently being lovingly incubated and due for completion around the start of next year. Below is a picture of the bump, sitting happily next to my signed contract with Scholastic. I'll keep you posted with news of both.

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