The kids had been playing with my camera, and left it on an unusual setting whilst we were mucking about at our little acre.
Look at that! See? I TOLD* you about the halos.
*(Spike Milligan once quipped that he wanted his headstone to bear the words "I TOLD you I was ill." He was buried at St Thomas's Church cemetery in Winchelsea, East Sussex, but the Chichester Diocese refused to allow this epitaph.[37] A compromise was reached with the Irish translation, "Dúirt mé leat go raibh mé breoite.")
Still on the theme of glory and children, I spent the weekend cartooning at KIDSFEST. It had kids, and, as with most children's festivals, quite a bit of fest (that bottom-of-the-backpack combination of mushed banana, sand-encrusted stickers, and a discarded sock/animal that no-one in the family quite recognises).
More photos and words to follow.
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