Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lazarus complaining over Lazarus Rising

The Age, 27th October 2010
John Howard has just written his autobiography and titled it "Lazarus Rising".
I really feel for Lazarus. He must be furious. I heard he never voted Liberal in his life.


  1. Hello,
    I love Lazarus complaining, and fair enough too. How dare hi sname be used in vain? But, I was displeased with God's grammar. I am constantly correcting my students for using "could of , would of" instead of "could have, would have". And then God sets a bad example! I'm happy to defer to his higher authority on matters Lazarus, but God - you should know better. JC

  2. I Shouldn't have written Shouldn't of.
    I Shouldn't have written Shouldn't of.
    I Shouldn't have written Shouldn't of.
    I Shouldn't have written Shouldn't of.

    Hopefully that will help me remember.
    Please feel free to post a comment again if I, or indeed God, make a grammatical mistake. I'm all for being corrected as I do aspire to writin proberly an stuff.


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